Friday, 17 August 2012


Right then, lets get started. It seems that everyone these days has a blog except me and I've been feeling a little left out. 

However, there doesn't seem to be any point in having a blog unless you have something to write about, yes? So, what to Write about? Well the one interest/passion that I've carried with me since an early age is music. Sadly I never had the ear or sense of rhythm to actually play anything worth while, having attempted guitar, piano, harmonica (I even blew a trumpet once!). So I've had to sustain myself by just listening and wishing horrible things on those can play an instrument. But since I'm not a journalist I'm in no position to just blindly write stuff so I'm going to write about my music collection or at least a specific part of it.

Essentially, I'm going to use this blog as an excuse to reacquaint or even acquaint (no I don't think that's a word either!) myself with that part of my collection that has existed or come into my possession purely since the advent of digital downloading. Most of the albums have been downloaded, always legally, by myself but a few have been given to me by friends which have then been transferred onto computer Mp3 player

 I feel the need to do this because, despite the fact that the rate at which I've acquired my music has increase significantly since I began downloading ( out of a total collection of 381 albums, I've acquired 137 since I began downloading in 2008) I feel that, with a few exceptions, I don't know or love these albums in the same way that I do the albums I had on other media, mainly CD and before that, for reasons that I might write about at a later date, cassette tape.

 As I get used to doing this blog, I may also use it to examine why this might be. Is it just because I'm a middle aged man who's got stuck in his ways but has delusions that he's still got his finger on the pulse? Is it because it's seems so much easier to get hold of the music now than it did before and this has led to some sort of attitude that things are more "Throw away" and, therefore less valuable or, aligned to this, has the ease of acquisition just meant that I've acquired too much stuff in too short a space of time to allow me to get to know most of this latest stuff? There is also the possibility that my previous collections got "weeded" of the crap stuff as I progressed from cassette to CD to download and what's left has given me rose tinted spectacles about the pre-download stuff. This is conceivable since I have either lost, swapped, mangled up or chosen not to transfer or replace various bits of my collection over the years.

Basically what I intend to do is listen to an album, hopefully at least one a week, and then write about my reactions to it. I don't know whether this needs saying but any thing I write should, in no way, be considered a review. It's just a way of getting me to listen to stuff and and develop a greater connection to them or to realise that it was a mistake t buy the album in the first place and it's just a waste of space on my ipod.!

Anyway, this is the start.

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