Saturday, 25 January 2014

Darren Hayman - Lido

I wasn't aware of  Darren Hayman, prior to hearing this album I now follow him on Twitter and am working my way through his back catalogue. I think I heard about him/it from one of the other blogs I follow, although I can't remember which now. I downloaded it originally, without listening to it first, because of the concept, as a Prog Rock fan concept albums hold no fear for me! which is inspired by the  outdoor swimming pools dotted around the country.

Again, it's instrumental album but, unlike the other albums I've written about recently, it uses mainly "conventional," largely acoustic, instruments, except for some sound effects and field recordings taken at the actual locations of the Lidos themselves. Some of the Lidos are still in use while others are now closed and all the pieces on the album are named after the individual Lidos.

I suppose the purpose is to try evoke something of the atmosphere of being at the Lido on a sunny day and I think it works. The music is largely mid to slow tempo and I'm tempted to describe it with terms like "charming", "quirky" and "whimsical". My favourite track is Parliament Hill.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

I'm Off

On the spur of the moment, in the spirit of "everyones' doing it so why can't I" that inspired this blog in the first place. I'm moving my blog to Wordpress. I can now be found here

Monday, 20 January 2014

Dawn Chorus - Day 5

Just a short posting this morning. Todays' Dawn Chorus is Frank Turners' "Polaroid Pictures" from his album "Tape Deck Heart". There's no particular reason why I'm hearing it today, I haven't listened to the Album for a while. I like it though. Good choice brain!

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Dawn Chorus - Day 4

It's a bit late in the day really to be doing this and have it count as a dawn chorus. I was up early, considering it's the weekend, doing some chores and errands so was a bit too preoccupied to think about the days' dawn Chorus. However, there is a song that's been rolling around my head most of the day which is Bessie Smiths' Send me to the Electric Chair. Last night I was posting a new jam on This Is my jam and actually chose Aint Nobodys' Business If I Do but it's Send Me to The Electric Chair that I've been thinking about since. I'm a big Bessie Smith fan. I love the way her songs combine dark humour and real emotional strength.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Pantha Du Prince & The Bell Laboratory - Elements Of Light

An album, literally, with bells on! As with the last couple of entries, it's instrumental, electronica, with the exception of the bells! I'm starting to feel that this blog needs some noodley, 10 minute guitar wig out or some earnest singer songwriter emoting all over the place but the shuffle refuses to give us that at the moment. This album comes from a very different place to that of the Boards of Canada, which invites (compels?) you to pay it some attention. Elements of Light comes from a more dance (house?) orientated tradition. The use of the bells give the album and overall feeling of warmth but its so warm and smooth I find it a bit soporific, the inclusion of two tracks clocking in at 12 and 17 minutes, respectively, doesn't help either. It's a nice album (damning with faint praise maybe?) but  I think the best thing to do with this is either to dance, gentlely, to it or to have it on in the back ground while you do something else. At least that way you can stay awake.

Dawn Chorus - Day 3

Oh dear, not a good day today. I have that dreary nonsense by Passenger going round in my head! I have no idea why. I don't like the song, not even sure what it's called and I can't remember the last time I actually heard it but I have some line about "only miss your lover when you let her go"  on repeat in my brain. Im going to listen to some Pink Floyd to get rid of it

Friday, 17 January 2014

Dawn Chorus - Day 2

Following yesterdays first entry of The Dawn Chorus, I did think of changing the name to Morning Glory but thought better of it as I am a mature, sensible man who holds no truck with such juvenile smut...honest!
Anyway, todays' second entry is Adeles' "Don't You Remember from her 21 album.
The reasons why this might be on my mind and entered my unconscious sleep will become clear in a few weeks,  so stick around to find out why, it's good. Actually that's just my Ham fisted way of getting anyone reading this blog to keep coming back!

Thursday, 16 January 2014

The Dawn Chorus

Most mornings I wake up with some song or piece of music going round my head and I thought it might be fun to keep a record of these on a daily basis. It's not a particularly original idea I know, Shaun Keavney on Radio 6 has his "Ear Worms" feature going in a similar vein. Luckily, in the sense that I don't have to get up that early, I rarely hear this. So I'm starting my own version. So, the inaugural "Dawn Chorus" is John Grants' "Pale Green Ghosts

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

On A Roll

Having got the hang of scheduling I'm on a bit of a roll at the moment. I've scheduled posts up into mid February, so far, which gives me time to listen to stuff as well as blog. Hopefully, this will allow me to keep the momentum going. For anyone who reads this *snigger* the next few posts will be out on a a weekly basis on a Saturday to, hopefully, catch the weekend crowd. 

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest

Another album from the last year. If you're ever looking for a definition of the description "Bleak Beauty" listen to this. Like a lot of the stuff I've been listening to recently it's electronic and, largely, instrumental, with the exception of a few sampled, hard to discern, voices. It's great and reminds me of 80s film sound track for something like Escape from New York Friday 13th or Halloween . It's one of those albums that keeps on giving. Every time you listen you hear something new.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

John Grant - Pale Green Ghosts

I love John Grant and this is probably my favourite album of 2013. It's, pretty much, perfect. Musically, there's icey 80s electronica combined with darkly humourous, self depreciating, almost self loathing, lyrics which give the album its heart. It's not as instant as his first, solo, album but in some ways, the fact that it takes a little more time and effort to get into, in comparison, makes it, ultimately more rewarding. And its got Sinead O'Connor doing backing vocals!